Are half of the things you do done half-heartedly?The mantra my parents use to tell us kids still rings in my ears: if it is worth doing it is worth doing right! I can tell you that I have not always listened to that timely advise. I have repeated this mantra to my own children, telling them if you borrow something, return it in better condition that you received it in. No matter how meanial or monumential the task is, do your best. My dad use to say, if you end up digging ditches, be the best ditch digger anyone has ever encountered!
Yesterday was grandparents day at our local school. We have heard horror stories about what they are or are not teaching in our public schools these days. I was very encouraged by what I saw yesterday. A group of dedicated, hard working teachers in the elementary grades. I repeatedly saw signs in the class rooms of encouragement and teaching social behavior. These teachers are doing their best every day all day. What kind of reenforcement are they getting from you? Do you teach your children manners at home? Make them sit down and do their homework when they get home? Are you doing your best at being a parent, or are you too busy to be bothered? Do you give your best at work, but not at home to your mate and children? This is not selective, if it worth doing, it is worth doing right!

As parents we go to work hoping to make a better life for our families. But if the end result is you are too spent when you come home to be a parent, then some re-evaluating needs to be done. Spend time with your children, teaching them how to grow up in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, the results will be amazing!

We as writers must do our best in order to have our work recognized. Therefore we must approach our writings with fervour every day. This dedication will pay off in the long run.

Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Colossians 3:23
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:13

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