Sometimes you have to go back to your own roots.

I started my writing in poetry, which is still my first love.  This poem of mine was published in 1991 and is still true today.


They are choking on pollution, and still the traffic stands,
So they want to put another freeway on our “undeveloped” land.
They cannot find a parking place ‘cause there ‘s two cars for every man,
So they want to build a large garage, on our “undeveloped” land.
They work up in the city, and to catch a train they stand,
They think they need another station on our “undeveloped” land.
The sales at their shopping malls are not so very grand,
They think they need a bigger one on our “undeveloped” land.
They want to take a trip, to the land of surf and sand,
So they want a closer airport, on our “undeveloped” land.
Look at all those skyscrapers, see how tall they stand?
They think we have room for lots of these, on our “undeveloped” land.
While driving on the highway, I pass truckloads of sand,
This they use to make concrete to cover, our “undeveloped” land.
Our politicians need lots of votes, for these they scheme and plan,
They promise to make things better by building on our “undeveloped” land.
Before we go much further, let’s try to understand,
What exactly do they call “undeveloped” land?
Do you call it “undeveloped” where the great oaks and walnuts stand?
The wood for our fine furniture and pianos that are grand.
Or maybe “undeveloped” is where ducks and geese still land?
In the marshes and the meadows, not often seen by man.
So tell me politicians, and all your greedy clans,
Where are they still making all this “undeveloped” land?
Where can you hear a song bird or hold a bunny in your hand?
This can only happen on our “undeveloped” land.
Where can you chase a butterfly, or see a fawn’s first stand?
Ah! This can only happen on our “undeveloped” land.
Where can you see a huge sunset or hear a cricket’s nightly band?
Why- this can only happen on our “undeveloped” land.
And where can you smell air so sweet, and see flowers of every strand?
This too can only happen on our “undeveloped” land.
The number of our family farms are shrinking, there is hunger in every land,
How can we raise food for all without our “undeveloped” land?

As parents we need to teach our children to respect and value the things around them down to every bite they eat. Make them understand it is by the labor of others that they are blessed with the food they eat and the clothes they wear. All things good come from God and we need to be thankful for everything.

We as writers could do a lot for the farmers of the world if we made them the heroes of our stories. The hero status would come naturally just by tell people how hard they work and the chances they take every day to put food on others tables.

He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough. Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.

A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.

Proverbs 28:18-20
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Genius 8:22
But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.
Mark 4:29
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I Thessalonians 5:18


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