Do you find yourself just shaking your head at what is happening?

The world seems to have gone crazy! People are acting as if the body snatchers have arrived, who are you and where has sanity gone? I just have a hard time understanding why there have been 500 shootings in Chicago, 100 in Indianapolis. We could go on city by city but that would be redundant. What has changed? Back in September I wrote a piece about the Nothing.  Well, it is alive and well and taking over America.  People who know right from wrong but don’t want to get involved because the hateful talk and rhetoric is dividing our nation.

We all live under one flag! Under the auspices of the Constitution of the United States! These things have served us well over 200 years until people who have no heritage or blood in this soil suddenly are offended and their voice is louder than ours. Why are we allowing this to happen? When our elected officials stand on the Senate floor and curse and spew hatred like uneducated fools, why are we not outraged, and demand they stop their own agenda and represent us?

This latest shooting is tragic and the families are devastated.  But instead of comforting those involved, the media sees it as the latest in a line of sensational stories.  I haven’t heard the call to regulate hurricanes like they want to use this tragedy to push their own agenda to regulate guns. What has happened to compassion and the voice of reason?  Why are laws being broken every day and nothing done about it? When was the last time you heard on the news that a looter had been arrested and prosecuted? We even have them on tape! When did we get so afraid to support our police and the laws that are in place to protect us and keep us safe? What are you doing to fight the Nothing? It is the cancer of complacency and hypocrisy that is allowing this all to happen. I know it can be scary to speak out against such hatred and uncertainty, but we were raised knowing right from wrong. The elected officials of this country remind me of the kids on the sandlot field who lost and who are going to take their ball and go home.  They have no clue how to lose gracefully.  Instead they raise up and try to destroy the very thing they proposed to love and want to represent. You all know I love music and often reference songs in my writings.  This one seems to say with more elegance what I am trying to get across.


Written by: David A Clark, Albert W Denison, Donald A Koch

In a world full of broken dreams
Where the truth is hard to find
For every promise that is kept
There are many left behind
Though it seems that nobody cares
It still matters what you do
Cause there’s a difference you can make
But the choice is up to you

Will you be the one
To answer to His call
Will you stand
When those around you fall
Will you be the one
To take His light
Into a darkened world
Tell me will you be the one

Oh sometimes it’s hard to know
Who is right and what is wrong
And where are you supposed to stand
When the battle lines are drawn
There’s a voice that is calling out
For someone who’s not afraid
To be a beacon in the night
To a world that’s lost it’s way

There are still some battles
That I must fight from day to day
Yet the Lord provides the power
For me to stand and say

I will be the one
To answer to His call
I will stand
When those around me fall
I will be the one
To take His light
Into a darkened world
I will be the one


During the defense of Ft. McHenry in 1814 the British said if the flag at the fort still stands in the morning after 19 British ships bombed the fort, they would withdraw.  5000 British 1000 Americans.  After a night of bombing the flag still stood, because every time the flag started to fall, a solider would hold it up, dying in the process.  The morning found, at the bottom of the flag, those brave soldiers who were willing to stand in the fray to defend country and flag giving their lives for what they believed in. This poses the question, what do you believe in and what are you willing to do to protect the greatest nation on earth? Francis Scott Key wrote a poem of what he witnessed that night, which later became our National Anthem. Will you be one who will stand for this country and its anthem?

As parents we need to teach our children of the sacrifices that were made to keep this country great, and to give us the freedom we now enjoy.  We also need to teach them what is right and wrong in life and to stand by their beliefs.  To teach them of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made so we could have eternal freedom and stand up for that belief first and foremost.

We as writers have the unique opportunity to write the scenario of good triumphing over evil.  If only it were that simple in real life!

 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Ephesians 6:11-13

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

II Thessalonians 2:15

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