Let everyday be Thanksgiving Day

Many historians like to argue about the dress, the guest, and the fare, at what this country calls the first Thanksgiving.  They like to speculate if there was even a prayer said over the meal that would last for three days, and have over 90 Native Americans in attendance. They all agree there was foul, and at least five deer and an abundance of sea food offered at this feast.  Pumpkin was also mentioned, but not in a pie, but the pumpkin was hollowed out and milk and honey was put inside where it was all baked in hot coals to form a custard type dish.

Long before the Separatist, (or Pilgrims they were later dubbed), came to America, people all over the world gave thanks.  In the Bible, time and time again we read where, giving thanks to God was practiced.  Jesus himself, whenever he sat down to eat, the Bible says; He took bread, gave thanks then broke it and ate it. It also tells us he even blessed the bread, and then gave thanks, always before eating.

So regardless of your station in life, and you financial securities, or lack thereof, be thankful for your life, your family and your friends. Each is a treasure beyond measure.  The Bible tells us: in all things be thankful, and with a church on every corner in this country of every denomination, no one would ever be turned away hungry.  Another blessing to be thankful for.

What I am most thankful for is my Salvation, bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. I am endowed with the guarantee of eternal life because of his sacrifice, of which I will be eternally thankful.

As parents we need to teach our children to be grateful and thankful for everything, and not just one day a year, but every day of their life.  Teach them to be thankful for a country in which they can congregate and give thanks to God.  This freedom is as precious as the food on the table of which they are thankful. Pray with your children so these gifts will always be available to them. Food, freedom and most of all Salvation.

We as writers are part of the controversy of the first Thanksgiving.  President Abraham Lincoln made it a national holiday, hoping to bring this country together in a common bond.  We need to be careful when we split hairs about what really happened or didn’t happen on the 1621 Thanksgiving, and focus on what and to whom they were thankful, and should still be thankful for today!


Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.

II Corinthians 9:11

Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.

Colossians 4:2

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; 
for his mercy endureth for ever.

I Chronicles 16:34


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  1. Happy Thanksgiving neighbor 😊
    Would you mind sharing this with Jim? I do miss our conversations.
    I went to church this morning.

    The church I attended wasn’t awash in religious rituals. My seat wasn’t a polished wood pew and there were no hymnals or bibles at the church I attended. Nevertheless, the spirit of God enveloped me. I could feel His presence.

    I go to church early this time of year. This Sunday morning was not all that different than other Sunday mornings. I was greeted by the pre-dawn moon and stars. Silent night. All is calm. The moon lighted my way to my seat. As I sat quietly in the dark morning allowing the cold breeze to wash my face, the pink hint of a new day filled the sky. No artist could paint the canvas I witnessed this morning—or any other sunrise or sunset. It was as if God was gave me a front row seat to watch the rebirth of a new day. It was spectacular.

    The steeples of my church are not straight. There no crosses atop them and they bend in the wind. But the steeples in my church still arch towards the sky, as if to pay homage to their creator. They are prettier than any man-made church steeple. I feel at home in their perch.

    Though I was the only person in my church, the spirit of fellowship was strong.

    The choir was wonderful as usual. I was serenaded to any number of beautiful songs by the birds who signaled the arrival of dawn. I closed my eyes and let them sing their songs to me.

    I smiled. How Great Thou Art.

    As the dawn’s light opened my sanctuary to my tired, old eyes, I slowly and quietly turned my head to and fro to see what other of God’s creatures was in my sanctuary. The gray body of a whitetail deer materialized out of the fog seventy yards in front of me and then disappeared back into the sanctuary. Squirrels chattered. The distant sound of ducks added to the splendor. I thanked God for being alive to witness the beauty of His creatures, both great and small.

    Dead leaves quietly drifted to the forest floor. As I watched individual leaves fall and coat the forest floor with their beautiful shades of yellow, orange and red, I was literally watching God’s natural cycle of the Fall take place in front of me. If you haven’t sat quietly in the woods and watched thousands of leaves fall lazily to the forest floor, you are missing one of God’s most beautiful art shows. Go and watch this and you will
    thank Him for it.

    Even amongst the beauty that surrounded me, my predator extinct was on full alert. That’s natural, the way it is supposed to be during this season of harvest. As I slowly turned to see what was behind me, three does cautiously picked their way through the underbrush towards me. They sauntered directly under the tree I was sitting in. It wasn’t time to kill. It was time to observe and learn. The time to kill and feed my family is coming soon.

    Watching the deer amble by reminded me that I had a special invite to this beautiful sanctuary, which is their home and my Season Of Harvest Church. I can think clearly there, have conversations with God. In this church there is no clutter, no e-mail, no cell phone, no pagers, no one to steal my attention. I’m at peace there. I like to be alone there with just my thoughts and memories and rest and recharge my internal batteries.

    In a mere few days, the woods will come alive with activity of buck deer. And I will be there in this sanctuary to bear witness to it—as I should be. To be somewhere else would be against who I am.

    Something from deep inside me pulls me to Season of Harvest Church. If you listen closely, you hear the voice of God in the wind as it blows through leaves and the treetops. Enter quietly and be still and you’ll be welcomed into the sanctuary where you will witness the beauty that God has created.

    – Magnum Opus

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