Means some layers must be removed.

Sometimes we have to look at ourselves really hard to see past the façade we have built up over the years.  We did this so people only see what we want them to see. But only we can know what lays beneath the outer exterior. Us and maybe our best friend, because they know us so well.  That is why it is important to have good people surround you, because they know you and only want what is good for you.  If you get critical, snobby or ugly in your behavior and attitude, a good friend will call you out on it.  To do this will initially hurt you, pull back some layers of unwanted build up, but you will be better because they loved you enough to tell you how you were acting. The Bible reminds us that we are refined by fire, to get rid of the dregs, or the ugliness in our lives, so we can be the kind of people God can use for good. To be shaved or burned doesn’t feel good, but what is underneath is soft and new and beautiful.

It is a known fact that things that are sharp cut better and cleaner than things that are dull.  It takes more effort and more strength to cut with something dull. This can also be true of a hateful person who sharpens their tongue on anyone who is foolish enough to get near them.  They find joy in hurting others with their hateful speech. They think by cutting someone else down it make themselves taller. This is more evident on the internet and social media circles. Because they can’t be seen, it gives them a coward’s courage to be spiteful and ugly in their actions and speech.

If you are not building someone up, with your actions and speech, you are doing them and yourself a great disservice. How do you want to be remembered by others? As a good friend who only wanted to be kind and helpful? Or the ugly person that everyone with any sense avoided. Sometimes, money can make people popular, and they think that gives them a license to say what they think, no matter who they hurt.  (Much like the people in the film industry) But the standard for good behavior applies to all. I guess the golden rule would be best applied here: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!

If you are going to be sharpened or do some sharpening of your own, do it with only the best intentions and with love and understanding. Become a better person because of who you are and how you act, when reminded of your faults. You will become sharper and wiser, and can be better used for good.

As parents it is important to teach our children to be kind in their speech. If they have a problem at school, they should tell that person, in a kind way, that they hurt their feelings.  Explain to your child, even though the other child was ugly to them, they should never be ugly in return.

We as writers do not like the critics to review our works in a negative way.  But if we stand back and take what they say without offense, it could help us to become better writers.  They, if you will, sharpen us and refine us to make us better.


Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct.

Ecclesiastics 10:10

And he hath given it to be furbished, that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer.

Ezekiel 21:11


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