These boots are not made for walking!

This is the era of fashion boots.  They come in every size shape and color. They are sporting; belts, buckles, fringe, feathers, buttons, bows zippers and the list goes on.  They come with heals that are; fat, flat, chunky, clear, wedged, spiked, bejeweled, and that list goes on also. I won’t even start on the colors, shapes and if they are over the knee or booties. One thing most will agree on, is they are not made for walking over any uneven terrain, rocky, wet or cold elements.  Oh, I am sure there are some diehards that will insist they can wear them then, but we both know the boots would be ruined. They all look great in the fashion world, or at work, but anywhere else, not so much.

There is another kind of new boot I want to talk about.  A young man of 18 or 19, just going into the military is issued new boots. These boots are made for walking, hiking, marching, crawling, and running.  They are an extension of the young and old soldier’s legs and feet. It is rare you will ever see him without his boots. They are not fancy or stylish, they are functional and his life can depend on those boots performing as they are meant to. He cares for his boots, because healthy feet are paramount, as they will carry him or her on missions where their lives are in peril. After they leave the service they get to keep their boots, as they have formed to the foot of the service person who has worn them, and useless to anyone else. If you go to any major city in this nation, odds are you will find homeless servicemen. Down on their luck, as they have brought home scars that are invisible to the naked eye. Chances are their boots have taken them places you can’t even image, and they still care for those boots. It is a constant for them, a form of normalcy in the confusing world they have come home to.

We don’t have to walk in these boots to maintain our freedom, but someone has to. This season, find a way of thanking a serviceman/woman for their service. Little things like donations to send to active personal, or shelters for the homeless ones.  The Kouts Christian Church always accepts jerky, nuts, hard candy, lip balm etc. to send overseas to service personal of this area. Wounded Warriors is another way to contribute to your freedom.

As parents it is important to help our children realize that freedom is not free.  Someone has paid the price for us to live and worship freely in this great country.  Just as Jesus Christ paid the price for our freedom from eternal damnation. This is no small thing and shouldn’t be treated as such.  Get your children involved in your thanking a service person this Christmas season and throughout the year. We are able to walk in freedom and in light because someone paid the price for us.

We as writers can do a lot for the military by incorporating them more and more in our writings.  Let’s make them the heroes they are in our stories and in real everyday life.

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

Galatians 5:16

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

Ephesians 5:8

For we walk by faith, not by sight:

II Corinthians 5:7

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

Micah 6:8

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