What will people see if they look into your eyes?

If someone could look through your eyes into your soul, what would they see?  What would you want them to see? Is there something you want to remain hidden? If your eyes reflected what you were thinking, would it bring you shame or joy? The world is full of temptations and wistfulness. Sometimes it is hard to look away from things that are questionable or alluring. If someone would look into your eyes would they see their reflection or one of you? Do you put yourself before and above all others? It is true that we need to take care of ourselves so we can take care of others, but not to the exclusion of others.

We once had a Guernsey bull who thought he was all that, and would fight any other bull that would come near him.  Unfortunately for our pick-up truck with chrome bumpers, he was constantly fighting himself.  He saw his reflection in the bumper and commence battering the poor pick-up.  My boys were constantly getting in trouble for the new dents, because they couldn’t convince their dad the bull did it. That remained the status quo until the day my husband was on his usual jog around the farm. It was a day like any other until he came upon people at our rifle range, standing on picnic tables with pistols drawn.  Our bull, (Sonny) got out of the fence and was about to confront the bull in the bumper of our friends new pick-up truck with big shiny bumpers.  “Jim, I just about had to buy your bull,” the one with the drawn gun said. Without breaking stride, Jim yelled, “Come on Sonny,” and the bull turned from his fateful quest to follow Jim, at a trot, back to his pasture, and safety. You see the bull only was thinking of himself when he saw his reflection as a threat. He wanted to be the biggest and the best bull on the farm, and was ready to fight any contender, even himself.

Is this the way you think? Or do you think of others first, their comfort and wellbeing? No one can look into your eyes and see your soul except God, and maybe your own conscience.  This is a perfect time of year to reflect on our motivation for our gift giving and party going.  What will these events reveal about ourselves? If someone could look into our eyes, and see our soul, would they see the focus on us or on Jesus and others?

As parents it is important to ‘keep it real’ with our children. Believe it or not, they are just as tempted by the allures of the world as any adult.  It is our jobs as adults to keep them in touch with the reality that the world does not revolve around them.  Make sure they understand that their thoughts are the same as action.  Keep them humble in thought and actions. The best way to accomplish this for both of you is by staying in the Word.

We as authors, use the eyes as the most expressive part of the body in our writings.  With one look we can say, come here, or I hate you. They can speak volumes with a wink or a tear. Just as long as we keep ourselves and our eyes honest and in touch with the reality that the world doesn’t revolve around us either.

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Matthew 6:22-23, Luke 11:34

“The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.”

Proverbs 20:12

 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

Psalms 101:3

 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

Psalms 121:1

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