When enough is enough?

I am not sure everyone would agree with me, but I am a pretty even keel kind of person. I am slow to anger, but once it comes, well let’s just say it is like putting a Genie back into the bottle.  Yesterday I had some important papers to print off and get into the mail.  My printer would not print anything.  The photo ink cartridge was out of ink, so nothing would print.  My son was in Valparaiso so I ask him to pick one up for me.  I even sent him a text with the exact number and brand.  He came home with the wrong one stating it was all they had.  Today I went to the same store and couldn’t find the right cartridge, so I ask for help. (They say the Jews wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, because they wouldn’t ask for directions.) Men don’t ask for help, it is a sign of weakness evidently.  The nice clerk took me right to the exact cartridge I needed.  After having lunch with my friend I came home about 2:00 and installed the said ink.  Nothing happened!  It still didn’t print a single word!  So I took the cartridge out and shook it a little bit and put it back in. Printed an ink report out and it said everything was fine, but the printer still wouldn’t print.  Exasperated, I decided to just scan something to see if it would print off the glass, NOTHING! Over an hour has gone by now and I am getting a ‘paper jam’ warning.  Except there wasn’t any paper at all in the printer.  So I took off the back, checked to see if there was any in there I didn’t know about, and turned it back on. ‘Paper Jam’ flashed again, with no paper in the machine, but now it sounded like it was grinding glass. Two hours have passed now so I decided to send the important document to myself on the upstairs computer and print it out there.

Well, today the computer decided not to recognize the printer that has been attached to it for years! I tried to reinstall it, update it, and download a new driver for it, all to no avail! This printer simply did not exist! Needless to say I was calling these printers everything but nice things under my breath.  I even walked away several times just to cool down.  Finally I gave up and went to meet my husband for dinner.  When I came back I turned the printer back on and got the same grinding sound that was there before, so I picked the printer up and shook the stuffing out of the thing.  Turned it back on and it purred like a kitten, but still didn’t print.  You can just imagine the level of my exasperation.  I had enough and didn’t get anything done, including my blog.

The point I am trying to make is I was getting frustrated at an inanimate object. It has no feelings, no malice toward me, no reason to get even, so why was I letting my anger get the better of me?  It is a fact you cannot think clearly when you are angry.  If I hadn’t walked away and said enough is enough, I may have smashed the offending object on the floor.  I sure I will figure this dilemma out when cooler minds prevail.  But for now I am just going to give it the cold shoulder and hope it will be more cooperative tomorrow!

As parents it is important to teach our children to learn patience.  Throwing tantrums should never be tolerated at any age.  Teaching them to throw thing when angry sends a very dangerous message. Teach by example, walk away until sanity returns and anger is abated.

We as writers often write how a split second of anger can ruin a person’s life. Walking away is always a better option, than spending time in jail for assault!

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.

Proverbs 14:29

 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

James 1:20

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

Ephesians 4:26

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

Proverbs 29:11

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Proverbs 15:2

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