Is anything as beautiful as pristine snow?

Something every child loves to hear is ‘snow day!’ No school, no homework, no shortage of hot chocolate! Unfortunately, Kouts is flatter than a flitter, and there are no real awesome hills for sledding. But as you look out your window at the snow, the purity of it almost hurts your eyes. Before the rabbits, dogs and deer tromp through the blanket of pristine snow, you just have to stand in amazement at its beauty. It is but another of the handy work of God.  Do you realize people in tropical climates have never seen this stuff?  I know some of you are out there grumbling about the roads, the sidewalks, and the fact you have to work in it. But try to remember when you were a kid, you were happy just to see it come down out of the sky.  Kids don’t have the responsibility of going to work, or having to slush through the stuff. They see it, (and you probably did as a kid too) as a winter wonderland of play, sent by God just for them.  We get callous to the wonder of God’s handiwork when it causes us any kind of discomfort or annoyance.  We don’t stop in awe at the beauty that surrounds us every day!

When we were kids my dad was very adamant about us wearing sun glasses on bright snowy days.  He had snow blindness (Photo keratitis) when he was a child and remembered the pain associated with the condition. It actually is a sunburned eye, or more exact sunburned cornea.  To this day I am very cognizant of his warnings and wear sunglasses on snowy days.

It puts me in mind of Moses wanting to see God on Mount Sinai, and God told him, no one could see his countenance and live.  He would be blinded if he looked upon the brightness of God, as it was, the face of Moses shone as if it were illuminated after he was shielded by God’s hand in the cleft of the rock, as God passed by.

The angel that rolled the rock away from the tomb where Jesus was laid, had a countenance that was like lightning and raiment white as snow. That is something we can look forward to as children of Christ.  Our sins have been washed whiter than snow.  Now I don’t know about you, but I cannot think of too many things that are whiter than snow. When we get to heaven, we also will have raiment’s that will match our sin washed souls.  Amen!

As parents we should be careful sending our children out to play in the snow.  We need to watch for signs of frostbite, snow blindness and simple dehydration. We also need to be careful of the devil getting his teeth into our children through the media and bad influences.  Long winter days may present a lot of down time when our kids are vulnerable to these dangers.

We as authors need to be careful to warn through our writings, the dangers of hyporthermia, and other winter land dangers.  Snow scenes are always romantic, unless you are freezing while out in the stuff.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Isiah 1:18

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Psalms 51:7

And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it

His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:

Matthew 28:2-3

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