How can I converse with God?

A better question would be, how can you not converse with God? Every time we wake up in the morning it should be with thanks on our lips, for the fact we did wake up. For simple things in your life like running water, a light that you flip on, and an alarm clock that went off, these are all little things to be thankful for.

There are some people that the only time they speak to, or of God, is when they’re cursing. I used to carry a TRACT around with me, the title of which was: GOD ‘S LAST NAME IS NOT DAMN. The Bible is very serious about this, it is called taking the Lord’s name in vain. Exodus 20:7 plainly states:

 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. So how exactly do we commune with God?

Communing with God is as simple is breathing. It is just a normal conversation with your heavenly father. As you go about your busy lives, doing the normal things you do every day, the problems, and people, that run through your mind, this is a good time for you to lift them up to the Lord in prayer. Prayer is another word for communing with God. You just tell God your concerns about a person who is having a problem, where there is emotional, or physical, or financial pain, you just tell God about it.

During this last heatwave, I went to mow my brother’s lawn at 7:30 in the morning while it was still cool, and took my granddaughter with me. I decided it would be a good time to trim the flowerbeds and around the house also. We finally finished just before the sun hit its zenith and became unbearably hot. To treat my granddaughter I took her to the gas station to buy her a pop, and an ice cream. It was wonderful and refreshing and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. I had an appointment at 12:00, and was looking for my keys to my car after I got cleaned up. That’s when I noticed my small billfold that held my driver’s license and credit cards was missing from my purse. Trying not to panic, but expecting the worst, I drove back to the gas station to see if I could find my little billfold. All the way back to town I had a conversation with God asking Him to please let an honest person find it. I walked into the gas station and ask: “did anyone turn in a little pink billfold?” The lady reached by the cash register and pulled out my billfold and everything was in it. She said the lady  that found it was sorry she ran it over, and hoped everything inside it was okay. It was, and I thanked God all the way to my appointment for answering my prayer. (Of course a little billfold took a beating, getting run over, but that was the least of my concern.)

The whole reason God created man was to have someone made, in His own image, that would commune with Him of their own free will. It is said that Adam walked and talked with God at the close of every day. That is the same thing that God wants from you and me,  conversation. He wants us to tell him our problems, tell Him our concerns, and praise Him for our joys, and accomplishments. When you let Him in your life on this personal level, you will begin to understand how He answers you.

I usually can find a song that illustrates what I’m trying to say, and here it is:

Just a Little Talk With Jesus

Donnie McClurkin

I once was lost in sin, Jesus took me in 
And then a light from heaven filled my soul 
He filled my heart with love, wrote my name above 
Just a talk with Jesus makes it all right 

Have a little talk with Jesus 
Tell God about your troubles 
He’ll hear the faintest cry 
And answer bye and bye 
Feel the prayer wheel turning 
Know that the fire’s burning 
Just a talk with Jesus makes it all right

Songwriters: Rosie Wallace

As parents we should have been praying for our children before they were born. Asking for God to make us the parents that He would want us to be, and raising the type of children the Bible tells us to raise. When our children come into our lives it is important that we teach them, by example, by praying to God and reading His Word with our children on a daily basis.

We as authors can know firsthand what it is like to get frustrated when writing.  I can remember in my early days of writing, ripping the page out of the typewriter wadding it up and throwing it away. It is a very tempting time to let less than proper English, flow out of my mouth, but if I do, it helps nothing. I wonder how many times we all praise Him when we write something great?

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Psalms 16:11

Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;

Colossians 4:2

Pray without ceasing.

I Thessalonians 5:17

 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

James 5:13

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Jeramiah 33:3

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Isaiah 30:31


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